How to remove Picture Background Using Office
Remove Picture Background use office
In this tutorial i will show how to remove picture background using Office step by step. You can use the automatic background removal or draw lines to indicate the areas to keep and remove. Background removal isn’t available for vector graphic files, such as SVG, AL, DRW & WMF.
Follow These Steps
- Select the picture that you want to remove the background from.
2. Click on Picture Format Tool
3. Click on Remove Background in Picture Format Tool (If you don’t see Remove Background, make sure you selected a picture)
4. The default background area will be colored magenta to mark it for removal, while the foreground will retain its natural coloring.
5. Select Mark Areas to Keep and use the free form drawing pencil to mark the areas on the picture that you want to keep.
6. To remove more parts of the picture, select Mark Areas to Remove and use the drawing pencil to mark those areas.
7. When you’re done, select Keep Changes or Discard All Changes.
8. To save the image in a separate file for later use, right-click the image and select Save as Picture