How to Disable YourPhone.exe in windows 10
Your phone.exe it enable you to use all of your mobile feature on your PC /laptop. Now in order to disable yourphone.exe in windows 10 which is running in the background all the time. You can do so by following the procedure that is mention is one of the most easiest and suitable way to do so.
How to Disable YourPhone.exe in windwos 10
- Right Click windows Start menu and choose settings from the menu.
How to Remove your Phone.exe App from windwos 10
- Right Click on the Windows 10 menu and Select windows power shell
- Right click on Windows powershell and run as administrator.
- Type the following command in the power shell window and hit enter.
- Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
- After running this command, yourphone.exe app will be removed from you computer.
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