How to Create a Multi Boot USB pin Drive

If you need to install windows Or other operating system and you don’t have access to a DVD or Pin drive, a bootable USB drive is the solution. You can boot to the USB drive using Yumi

software to Create a Multi Boot USB pin Drive. This software is use to create a multi boot OS like windows and Linux.

How to Create a Multi Boot USB Drive

  1. First Download Yumi Malt boot USB Creator from the Following Link.
  2. Insert your Flash Drive in an open USB Slot.
  3. Open Yumi Software
  4. Select USB Drive that you want to create a bootable.
  5. Select the distribution from the list that you want.(windows 7,8,9 Ubuntu or Linux)
  6.  Brows your distribution ISO File.
  7. Once select ISO file Click Create Button.
  8. When complete process repeat for more distributions.
  9. Once completed you should now be able to select the USB drive on bootup to access to distribution.

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