Android Studio Short Cut Keys


Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google’s android operating system, it has been designed to provide new tool for app development alternative to Eclipse currently the most widely used IDE. it was announced on may 2013 but its beta stage starting from version 0.8 which was released in 2014. It allows you to see any visual changes you make to your app real time and you can also see how it will look on a number of different android devices. android studio short cut keys helps work more quickly So it can help you to also save your time and effort.

Android Studio Short Cut Keys

Short Cut KeyFunction
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + SS ave
Ctrl + OO pen
Ctrl + FF ind
Ctrl + HFind and Replace
Ctrl + ELookup recent files
Ctrl + GGo to line
Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceNavigate to last edit location
Ctrl + BGo to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + BGo to implementation
F4Go to source
Ctrl + UGo to super Class
Ctrl + Alt + HShow Call hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + FSearch in path/project
Ctrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + YDelete line
Alt + DeleteSafe Delete
Ctrl + F4Close Active Tab
Shift + F10Build and run
Ctrl + F9Build
Ctrl + Shift + AAll purpose (Meta)Shortcut
Ctrl + Alt + OOptimize imports
Ctrl + SpaceCode Completion
Alt + EnterIssue quick fix
Ctrl + Alt + TSurround code block
Shift + F6Rename and refactor
Ctrl + /Line Comment